The Army War College Foundation commemorated 50 years of service to the Army War College in 2017. The Foundation’s organizational history began with the formation of the Alumni Association of the U.S. Army War College in May 1967. This was an effort to enable graduates to stay connected and promote the interests of the U.S. Army War College. The Army War College Foundation, Inc., was then established in 1977 to enhance the academic experience at the U.S. Army War College. The merger of the two closely related organizations occurred on August 1, 2008. Today the Foundation proudly executes the unified purpose of supporting the U.S. Army War College and its graduates.
The Army War College Foundation has continued to enhance the educational experience of the student body through stewardship of academic and complementary programs. Funding from the Foundation directly supports student and faculty events such as: National Security Seminar, distinguished lecturers, writing awards for students and faculty, the International Fellows Program, and conferences and exercises. Additionally, the Foundation stands ready to assist with new and evolving program opportunities as needs are presented by the College.
The Army War College Foundation has grown to over 12,000 current members and donors. The organization serves as the U. S. Army War College Gift Shop, and it supports a wide range of programs for current class members and graduates and their families. The Foundation holds the copyrights on the official history of the U.S. Army War College, the Civil War Battlefield Guides (Kansas University Press) and Once An Eagle, the classic novel on leadership by the late Anton Myrer.
Our Foundation staff remains committed to the best possible support to the College and its graduates and friends.